Learn Ecommerce with Add People
If you're thinking of getting started in Ecommerce, or just need a little helping hand, Learn eCommerce with Add People (LEAP), our all-singing-all dancing YouTube channel will help you get to where you want to be!
Welcome to LEAP!
An introduction to the channel from our Head of E-commerce, Cameron Smith...
How to set up campaign goals on Google Ads
When setting up new campaigns on Google Ads, one of the first steps is setting your campaign goals. Lexie walks through how to set these up.
Watch on YouTubeBaffled by bidding strategy?
Join Chris as he takes you through Google Ads bidding strategies, a bedrock of making sure you don't waste money advertising your products online.
Watch on YouTubeHow do you choose the right Ads?
Abi will take you through the why's, the what's, and the how's of choosing the right ad campaign for you, by discussing the intricate differences of each.
Watch on YouTubePlanning to sell online, but don't know where to start with Ecommerce?
We're the experts in Ecommerce
These are just some of the companies we’re partnered withAfter making a name for ourselves in Manchester, UK, and then the wider Digital Marketing industry, it only made sense to partner with some of the other biggest names in the field. These give us a competitive advantage over many other companies you might have looked at.
No, our friends at Google can’t get you ranking at position one as a favour. Having access to exclusive tools and unique insights definitely helps us do it ourselves, though.
Come with us, on a journey through space and time…
Well, maybe it won’t be so grandiose, but certainly, our Learn Ecommerce with Add People YouTube channel will help get you set up and selling and advertising efficiently online.
“But you’re a digital marketing agency, what’s in it for you?”
Well, it gives us a chance to show off for one – we are the UK’s largest agency built specifically to service small and medium-sized businesses, with an expert eCommerce team of over 50 people, working on campaigns and businesses across the globe, from Denver to Durban…
…But it’s not a boastful “look at us” vanity project. We’re built for small and medium-sized businesses, but that leaves a LOT of businesses to look at! In fact, every business with fewer than 250 staff is classed as a small business in the UK. There are over 6 MILLION SMEs in the UK alone!
That means there are potentially thousands, or hundreds of thousands, of Ecommerce businesses out there that could use a little help getting set up, optimising, and efficiently selling and advertising online …
… and they’ll all have a different level of experience, marketing budget, willingness (or readiness) to work with an agency…
Put it like this…
We can’t work digital marketing mastery on all Ecommerce businesses.
Some are too small, some don’t have the inclination, some don’t have the budget …
..but if we can SHARE our expertise with the world – with the starters, the grafters, the dreamers … why wouldn’t we do that?
And, you know what? One or two of them might remember us in the future …
… when they do have the budget, or they’ve grown so big they no longer have the time to properly look after marketing, or it’s not going quite how they’d like and they need a boost …
… and we might grow our business too with a new client here or there. Would you begrudge us that?
And what if you’re just getting started?
You might be reading this and thinking: “Well, I’ve got a great idea, but I wouldn’t count myself as a ‘business’ yet” – well you’re in the right place too!
Think of LEAP as an All You Can Eat Buffet: we’ll be serving up new content every week, and you can pick the parts that you fancy at the time.
👉 Perhaps you’re at the really early stage of selling online? Well, keep an eye peeled for our Amazon Advertising A-Z, our expert Mike will get you set up and selling on Amazon in no time.
👉 Maybe you’re selling online already, you’ve got a great Shopify store, but you need to get more people to see it? Join Abi, Chris, Stu and the guys for weekly tips on the biggest advertising platform in the world, Google.
👉 Or you could be even further along the way, and looking for inspiration on how to grow your business economically in these straightened times. Our #AskTheExpert series on Email Marketing with master emailer Calum could be just the thing for you.
Got any questions? Just ask!
How Add People can help, from Manchester & beyond:
For the last twenty years, we’ve been helping grow small to medium-sized businesses around Manchester and beyond. That means doing some of the branding we mentioned in this article, with our website design or SEO services.
Outside of branding, we can also help businesses find new audiences as a PPC agency or even target your customers directly with social media advertising.
Remember, we might be based in Altrincham, but you don’t need to be. We have clients from South Africa to North America, so if you have any questions please contact us and we’ll be in touch!